Recommendations to the Ruling

Free Recommendations to the Ruling

An asymmetric and overly fragmented view of Turkish political racing should be balanced in a way that democratic representation can fairly come into being. MAZ Corporate is now observing some vulnerabilities in the last days of Erdogan and his party AKP.

Foremost, President Erdogan has simply been a classical agitator and the manager of Turkish Politics for 20 years. Even if his political mastery, according to MAZ Corporate Observation, is another day’s topic, I should underline some of his clear techniques and their relation to today’s socio-political atmosphere, including new vulnerabilities of AKP.

  1. Escalation of Mood Disorder: MAZ Corporate Observation proudly propounds his original and sui generis naming as a technique. What do we mean by that? He has always known how to play with Turkish people’s emotions by agitating 3 basic and sensitive points: Fear, Weakness, and Memory, no matter which party they support. His own supporters and the people of opposition have been exposed to the same psycho-political game. However, The Corona Crisis has played the mood of People negatively; long-run public policies have left serious lasting effects on society’s mental health. Turkish people, like any other nation on the globe, are now more depressed and aggressive than they were 3 years ago. In addition to Corona, The Kahramanmaras Earthquake, which is defined as the biggest natural disaster of the century by Turkish authorities, has clearly put the majority of Turks in depression. The Global Pandemic

and Turkey’s Earthquake, by fate, made Erdogan’s most useful technique “Escalation of Mood Disorder” ineffective.

Therefore, even if he has less experience in bringing down the people’s fever but only the capital owners’, he should have a different approach to get the people behind. The first and most critical recommendation of MAZ Corporate to him is:

Calm down.. Two months ahead. Keep calm.. Never burn.. Turkish people are going through a psychologically sensitive phase, which is an absolute negative interlude.. So, No Man.. Keep Calm.. Not this time..

In addition to a must-have behavioral approach, I recommend some populist approaches:

Leadership Argument: Dancing with Kılıçdaroğlu has been one of Erdogan’s easiest masteries. There are many people in the Turkish opposition who think that Erdogan does not win but Kılıcdaroğlu’s low profile charisma makes Erdogan win for years. I do agree for some reasons. So keep dancing with Kılıcdaroğlu by kidding him to shrink him in the elector’s mind but don’t forget that this time people are more interested in their pocket than classical and boring asymmetric dialectic between HE-Man Erdogan and Gandhianic Kılıçdaroğlu. The Time might be come for Kılıcdaroğlu to win.

Just Talk To Mr Kılıçdaroğlu (Bay Kemal) to reduce the target of growing block. Forget others, do not use names or only “you come all together, I do come alone, let’s fight” (hepiniz birleşerek gelin, Ekrem’i de al, Mansur’u da al, Demirtaş’ı da al Apo’yu da al, ben tek geliyorum.) to consolidate the psychological superiority of Erdogan for the uneducated population.

Don’t make the people of AKP cry by over-agitated poems. Most of them are already crying because of the growing costs of living. Instead, use a different technique on the stage. For example: Put a sad image of Kılıcdaroplu on a Big Screen and shout on the stage. “ I am comiiiiinnnngg… I am coooomiiingg… I am cooomiiinngg… Kemaaaaal” (Geliyoruuuum, Geliyoruuuuum… Geliyoruuuuum, Kemaaaaal!. Geliyorum Kemaaaaal!)

Securitize people’s minds by focusing on potential terrorist attacks.. Fear people and then make a promise to them that you are the only one, the only hero with Bahçeli who can save the Nation, the People, and the Ottoman Empire in your dreams. Talk about PKK and her inhuman attacks.. Focus on the Survival of the State, Defence Industry, and your groom’s achievements.

Even as a show, promise to people that you will punish “market owners” and “home-owners” who earn unethical and unjust money by taking advantage of historic hyperinflation. People are in pain leaving the big cities because they cannot afford house rents. The price of meat and cheese is getting closer to a quarter gold. However, you can still easily find people who will believe that house rents will go back to the levels of 2019, and a loaf of bread will be just 1 Turkish Lira. The Crisis of the Cost of Living is burning the votes. Therefore, shout on the stage:

Pahalılaşmanın Hesabı Sorulacak!

We will account for the prices!!!

Eeeeeeeeey Market Sahipleri, Bunun Bedelini Ödersiniz !

Heeey Market Owners, You will pay the price!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeey Ev Sahipleri, Bu devran böyle dönmeez!

Heeeey House-Owners, The time won’t keep turning like this!

Eeeeeeeeeey Kılıçdaroğlu, Bu ülkeyi ne hale getirdin?

Heeeeeeey Kılıçdaroğlu, what have you done to this country?

Never Talk About the Illegal Reference System “TORPİL” in the Bureaucracy. Because hundreds of thousands of successful people who have already passed the government exams with clean track security reports but couldn’t get recruited because they don’t have “illegal papers,” “referees,” or “very important people” to call to win in the latest part of the exams “interviews,” would get agitated again and again. People who don’t love you but their country will work against you till the end of time if you give a speech on TORPİL. Therefore Be Silent on this topic to reduce the hatred of these special voters.

Keep using Religious Arguments: It might be useful at an economically crisis-full time to use trust-giving phrases through the outer components of your campaign.

  • Mesih Geliyooor.. (Mesiaaaah is comiiiiing… He will pay the reeeeents…)
  • Dünyanın Sonu Geliyoooor.. 2023 sooooon.. (The world has only 1 month leeeft.. End of Tiiiiime Baaby! 2023 is finishing yeaaaaaarr.. )
  • Cinler Bay Kemali Ele Geçirmiiiş.. (The Djins must have captured Mr. KEMAL)
  • Yau Bay Kemal Senin Bu Halin Ne Yau? (Ouww Kemal, What’s your this state of being?)
  • Savunma Sanayimizi Melekler destekliyoooor, Melekleeeeeeer!! (Our Defence Industry is supported by the Angeeeeeels.. Angels!!)

This “angel and jinn” argument seem more useful in underdeveloped and developing countries according to MAZ Corporate Global Observation. So, this kind of balanced or not exaggerated phrase is more interesting than the USA’s UFO Agenda. Because, underdeveloped or just developing societies in general like to consume these kinds of narratives, anachronic topics, pious dreams, and expectations rather than UFOs and scientific stories.

Tell “Göklerden gelen bir karar vardııııır..” “There is a decision from skyeeeeeey.” (A Godly Decision) to create a mystery that you think 80 million people are eagerly waiting for.. and wait for the latest decision of God on May 14, 2023.

MAZ Corporate Consulting Services

Muhammet Ali Zurnaci

March 15, 2023, Istanbul


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