The Dominoes and the Day Goes By
The costs of the Ukraine crisis, added to the Corona price, continue to create fluctuations not only in the relatively destabilizing region but all over the world. The relationship between defense budgets and inflation presents an uncertain balance for almost every country in the medium and long term. Let me ask a few smart questions:
Will everyone take their pain out on someone else?
All of Europe, especially Germany, continues to calculate the price to be paid. Naturally, each actor began to think about who would make them pay the price they were likely to pay. Are the potential problems of the German economy reflected not only in its relationship with Russia but also with Turkey and other Middle Powers? How might the possible change in Europe’s foreign trade volume affect the (hard) behavioral environment in the Near East?
What new alliances will the payoff strategy trigger?
If Germany does not give significant support to Ukraine, will she pay some uncalculated costs? Hard and soft, inside and outside? What if the USA, NATO, and EU want to put some of the pressures of the Corona and Ukraine costs directly on Turkey or indirectly on the Greece Tension? And if it’s going to be an inevitable price,
Could Turkey have to compensate for its already long-lasting economic loss with a possible military gain in the Aegean?
While the Greek tension, which is simply a reflection of the tripartite conflict of interests, the Turkey-USA, Turkey-NATO, Turkey-EU, and its most important strategic function, Cyprus Issue is signaling in its broader Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean waters;
Will the end of this tension result in Turkey drawing her security borders a little more from the outside and wider? Can the Near East and Eastern Europe Axe handle another strategic crisis? I think…
Muhammet Ali Zurnaci
MAZ Articles
Trial Release
October 11, 2022